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Avery (Hee-Woon) Ryoo

I am a graduate student at Mila - Quebec AI Institute and the Université de Montréal, where I study Computer Science with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence. I have the fortune to be advised by Dr. Matthew Perich and Dr. Guillaume Lajoie. Check out their respective labs here and here!


I am interested in the principles of biological intelligence which help us form internal representations that allow for rapid generalization to unseen tasks and examples. Using insights from deep learning theory, dynamical systems, generative modelling, and cognitive science, I aim to design different paradigms of learning and memory for artificial neural networks that will ultimately lead to robust and efficient multi-purpose agents in data-impoverished regimes - in other words, more “human-like” AI. From a more engineering standpoint, I am also interested in developing a foundation model for the control of brain-computer interfaces.


Before my graduate studies, I studied biomedical engineering at the University of Waterloo, during which I completed several internships in data science, computer vision research, and brain-computer interfaces.


Outside of research, I am passionate about travel, coffee, professional sports (NBA, soccer, F1), bouldering, and spicy food.

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